
Training on Effective Sales
8 November 2019, a training on “Effective Sales” was held for Vardenis marketing groups within the framework of the “Development of Horticulture in Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor Marzes” project.The following...Read more
«One village» project results in Navur
A consortium of Armenian Missionary Association of America, Shen NGO, Children of Armenian Fund (COAF), Development Principles NGO, Fund for Armenian Relief, World Vision Armenia, Teach for Armenia, WCC...Read more
Dzithanqov community beneficiaries visited Gyumri Plant-Breeding station
13 November 2019, Dzithanqov community beneficiaries visited the Plant-Breeding Station of Gyumri. Training on “Cultivation specifics of lentil” was organized for the participants. Specialists of the station...Read more
Potato planting material storage and asparagus cultivation
Trainings on Potato planting material storage and Asparagus cultivation took place in Navur community on 5-6 November 2019. The participants were introduced to the modern methods of potato planting material...Read more
Training for members of Navur agricultural cooperative
November 5-6, 2019, in the frame of Navour Community Development Program two trainings were held for the farmers and cooperative members of Navur, Tavush marz. The topics of the sessions were "Cooperative...Read more
Support to Development of Dzithanqov village
On October 31, 2019 in the framework of the “Support to Development of Dzithanqov village” project funded by UMCOR Armenia a training on Specifics of some valuable non-traditional vegetable cultivation was...Read more
Trainings in Dzithankov village
On October 23 and 25, 2019, two trainings were held for beneficiary farmers and for potential members of the newly forming cooperative in the village of Dzithankov, Shirak marz. The topics of the sessions were...Read more
"ArmProdEXPO 2019"
The annual "ArmProdEXPO 2019" took place on October 18-20,2019. Beneficiary marketing groups of “Horticulture development Project” from Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor also participated in the exhibition. Seven...Read more
Trainings for beneficiary farmers in Dzithankov village of Shirak Marz
On October 11 and 18, 2019, two trainings were held for farmers in the village of Dzithankov, Shirak marz. The topics of the sessions were “Cereal crops diseases and pests, effective control” and “High value...Read more
Pest management in orchards
A training on “Pest management in orchards” was organized by Shen NGO on 11.10.2019. It took place in Khor Virap community (Small Vedi), Ararat marz. The aim of the seminars was to inform farmers about some...Read more