Summer camp for children from poor families of Shirak marz

This project is being implemented back from 1996 aiming at to entertain the kids of vulnerable families of Shirak Marz during their summer vacations. Another important objective of the project is environmental education and basics of agriculture (the name of the project is Back to Nature) among the urban youth. The summer camp has had positive impact on the life of Yeghnajur village where the camp is located.The project was initiated with financial support of Tufenkian Foundation (USA). Although several sponsors assisted Shen to run the project over these 20 years still financial support is needed to conitnue it in coming years.

Expected outcome: 
Annually 90 kids from vulnerable families will spent their summer holidays in healthy environment.
Գյուղ Եղնաջուր, Շիրակի մարզ
Requested sum in Euros: 
Goal: 15,000.00