Our values and goals


To become a reliable partner for vulnerable rural communities in their endeavour to create better life.


Mission Statement

Shen promotes socio-economic development and empowerment of remote, vulnerable rural communities through active involvement of community members. We strive to make those communities attractive for life and work through:

  • Transferring new knowledge and skills,
  • Lobbying and advocating for improved legislation and policies,
  • Promoting new jobs,
  • Improving community infrastructures and
  • Strengthening Community Based Organisations.


Our Values
  • Community mobilization
  • Professional and committed personnel
  • Transparent relationship with partners and beneficiaries
  • Strong local presence 


Our Objectives
  • Improvement of legislation and governmental policies through lobbying and advocasy work 
  • Shift from subsistence to commercial farming (including organic) on household level
  • Increase of agricultural assets productivity focusing on high value crops
  • Development of sustainable agricultural value chains
  • Engagement of Community Based Organisations
  • Feasible non-farming entrepreneurial endeavours
  • Rehabilitation of community social infrastructures
  • Environmental protection


  • Integrated Community Development model
  • Making Markets Work for Poor (M4P) approach
  • Capacity Building
  • Public-Private Partnership