Ongoing Projects

Title Location Sponsor Duration
Horticulture Market Development Project (HMDP) in Vayots Dzor and Gegharkunik Marzes of Armenia Vayots Dzor and Gegharkunik marzes HEKS-EPER (Switzerland) 2018-2022
Capacity building of the Navur agricultural cooperative Tavush marz FAR, AMAA, Chene France 2019-2021
Afforestation of Chambarak and Ttujur Communities Ttujoor, Aragatsotn marzand Chambarak Gegharkunik marz Audemars Piguet Foundation (Switzerland) 2019-2021
Planting 5 ha of forest on community lands and reconstruction of irrigation system Village Dzoraglukh, Aragatsotn Marz A tree for you (France) 2020-2026
Development of inclusive rural cooperatives, improvement of infrastructure and capacity building of community based organizations Aragatsotn, Lori, Tavush, Tavush Province, Shirak, Gegharkunik, Syunik Vayots Dzor, Kotayk marzes of Armenia and Baghramyan subregion of Armavir marz Bread for the World (Germany) 2020-2022
Assisting the Rural Community Development in Meghrashen Shirak marz UMCOR Armena Foundation 2020-2021
Assisting the Rural Community Development in Meghrashat Shirak marz UMCOR Armena Foundation 2020-2021
Construction of a playground in Antaramej village of Gegharkunik marz Antaramej, Gegharkunik marz Menez Ararat (France) 2020-2021
Renovation and furnishing of a kindergarten in Shenavan village of Lori marz Shenavan, Lori marz Armenian Youth Organization (AYO, France) 2021-2021
Rehabilitation of Ptghavan village kindergarten Ptghavan, Tavush Province, Tavush marz Chene France 2021-2021
Mekhitaryan Youth Center Renovation Project Choratan, Tavush marz Yalkezian Foundation (Canada) 2021-2021
Socio-Economic Assistance for forcibly displaced people of Nagorno-Karabakh 2020 war Rural communities of Armenia Bread for the World (Germany) 2021-2022
Lobbying for the amendments in the Law "On Protection of Economic Competition" and the Law "On Organic Agriculture" Arménie Chene France 2021-2021