Call for support

Title Location Requested amount (EUR) Expected outcome Donations received Fundraising deadline
Playground for the Children in Meghrashat village of Shirak marz Shirak marz 12000 The aim of the project is to provide children's entertainment in Meghrashat village of Shirak marz..
31 Jul 2022
Hiking trail Gyumri-Tirashen-Vahramaberd-Marmashen Shirak marz 23000 A hiking trail Gyumri-Tirashen-Vahramaberd-Marmashen (10, 7 km in length) will be constructed. The famous cuneiform inscription of the Urartian King of Argishti I dated back to 8th century BC is also located at this hiking trail.
31 Dec 2022
Capacity enhancement of vocational training center for organic agriculture Shenik, Armavir Marz 67000 Access to modern agricultural machinery, as well as knowledge and skills on modern agricultural methods will help rural population to cultivate quality harvest. Master students will get practical skills on organic cultivation.
31 Dec 2022
Better life for Gegharkunik marz women Guéghamasar, Guégharkunik Marz 68000 Socially mobilized with strong decision-making role 200 rural women from Gegharkunik marz are able to participate actively both in social and economic life.
31 Dec 2022
Cleaning of dreining system and organization of refuse collection Dzithankov, Chirak Marz 3000 Community members will undertake refuse collection in the community on regular basis
30 Jun 2022
Boosting women employment in Tavush Marz through implementation of on-site and work based VET Tavush marz 61000 Based on innovative approach of on-site vocational trainings 100 women from 10 most vulnerable beneficiary villages are able to produce and market art products and commodity goods in national handicrafts
31 Dec 2022
Summer camp for children from poor families of Shirak marz Գյուղ Եղնաջուր, Շիրակի մարզ 15000 Annually 90 kids from vulnerable families will spent their summer holidays in healthy environment.
31 Jul 2023