
Call for applications of the potential beneficiaries within the Agricultural Cooperation Support Program
Shen NGO, within the frames of the Agricultural Cooperation Support Program, accepts applications from cooperatives and groups of farmers who plan to register their cooperatives. The goal of the program is to...Read more
Participation in the agricultural sector policy development
In collaboration with the Agricultural Alliance of Armenia Shen NGO staff is involved in the development of action plans of the Government of Armenia aimed at elimination of the economic consequences of...Read more
Presentation of the benefits of No-Till sowing for farmers in the Dzithanqov community
2020 On February 25, UMCOR-funded “Support to the Development of Dzithanqov Village” program, organized a training on “Minimum Crop Land and No Till sowing methods” for farmers in the Dzithanqov community of...Read more
New perspectives of cooperation between beneficiary cooperatives and processors
February 21, 2020 Shen organized a meeting between Shirak, Tavush, Gegharkunik, Syunik agricultural cooperatives, farmers and processing companies. The meeting was organized as a result of mutual inquiries by...Read more
Procedure for filling the SGP 2019 business plan for the horticulture
In the framework of the program "Horticulture Market Development”, training was organized in 2020. February 14, where the business plan is considered, as well as questions that arose during filling out. The...Read more
Presentation of the SGP 2020 in Gegharkunik region and training on how to complete the package
Small Grants Competition 2020 is launched within the framework of "Horticulture Market Development Project in GK and VD" program. Grants are provided to the following areas of horticulture: fruit processing:...Read more
From Farm to Market
A documentary video has been produced on the results of "Horticulture Market Development Project" in Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor marzes. The establishment of cold-storage units significantly increases the...Read more
Opening of kindergarten in Dzithanqov village
On December 18, 2019 the opening ceremony of kindergarten in Dzithanqov village of Shirak marz took place. The village had never had a kindergarten before. 20 children attend the kindergarten in comfortable...Read more
Training for beneficiary farmers of Dzithanqov village
December 4, 2019, a training was held for beneficiary farmers in the village of Dzithanqov, Shirak marz. The topics of the session were "Main steps to establish a cooperative" and “Profitability of lentil...Read more
Annual meeting with marketing groups from Gegharkunik Marz
28 November 2019, annual meeting with marketing groups and grantees from Gegharkunik Marz took place in Vardenis region. 20 beneficiaries from Gegharkunik region participated in the training "Strategic...Read more