Trainings in Dzithankov village

On October 23 and 25, 2019, two trainings were held for beneficiary farmers and for potential members of the newly forming cooperative in the village of Dzithankov, Shirak marz.  The topics of the sessions were “Cooperative needs assessment, economic benefits, the dual role of the cooperative” and “Market Analysis, Cooperative Marketing Strategy”. During the trainings the concept of the cooperative and the differences between  cooperatives and other organizations were presented. The wrong perceptions about the cooperative were explained, as well as the success stories of some cooperatives’ acting in Armenia were introduced.The trainer conducted needs assessment. The members of the cooperative presented the types of activities necessary for the community cooperative, which could have the best economic impact on individual farms.What the market is? How to be competitive in the market?, What are the competitive advantages of a cooperative in the market and the possibilities to analyze these advantages? How to create marketing for cooperatives. All these topics were introduced and discussed during the sessions.Thirty-two participants had an opportunity to attend the workshops and to receive relevant handbooks.The trainings were organized within the framework of the project “Support to Development of Dzithanqov village”. UMCOR Armenia funds the initiative.