
National Conference on Horticulture development
07 October, 2019, National Conference on horticulture development took place in Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU). Shen NGO and Syunik Development NGO organized the event in cooperation with ANAU...Read more
Pest management in orchards
A training on “Pest management in orchards” was organized by Shen NGO on 01.10.2019. It took place in Aragatsotn and Armavir. The aim of the seminars was to inform farmers about some quarantine diseases and...Read more
National Conference on Horticulture Development
On behalf of Shen NGO and “Syunik Development” NGO, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the National Conference on Horticulture Development.The conference will take place within the framework of the...Read more
Training on some quarantine diseases and pests in orchards
Shen NGO plans to conduct a series of seminars on "Characteristics of some quarantine diseases and pests and description of preventive measures against them". The purpose of the seminasr is to inform the...Read more
UMAF project in Berd community
On August 13-23, the Union of Armenian Physicians of France (UMAF) worked in the Berd community in the frame of “Glasses for Armenia” project. The project was implemented with a support of Shen NGO field...Read more
Donation to Armenian National Agrarian University
By the decision of Shen NGO Annual Meeting, the only Organic Agriculture Training Center established in Akunk community of Kotayq Marz by now, was donated to the National Agrarian University of Armenia. The...Read more
Training on efficient use of resources and risk assessment
On July 17 and 25, a training was organized for marketing groups in the frame of Horticulture Market Development project in Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor Marzes.The subject of the training was efficient use of...Read more
Training on cooperation skills and cooperation as a key to successfull business
On July 16 and 30, a training was organized for marketing groups in the frame of Horticulture Market Development project in Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor Marzes.The subject of the training was cooperation skills...Read more
Study visits to Gargar, Gyulagarak and Odzun villages of Lori Marz
09-10 July 2019, in the frame of EU funded project «Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia» 12 members of beneficiary cooperatives visited Gargar,...Read more
Marketing groups from Vardenis visited Syunik NGO to meet farmers and to have practical training on drying fruits
On July 8, farmers from Vardenis marketing groups had a visit to Syunik NGO dealing with drying fruits. The visit was organized in the frame of Horticulture Market Development project in Gegharkunik and Vayots...Read more