National Conference on Horticulture development

07 October, 2019, National Conference on horticulture development took place in Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU). Shen NGO and Syunik Development NGO organized the event in cooperation with ANAU.The event was initiated in the frame of “Improvement of Livelihood of Rural Households in Vayots Dzor and Gegharkunik Marzes through Development of Horticulture” project funded by HEKS-EPER and implemented by Shen NGO and Syunik Development NGO.The conference was attended by the Deputy Minister of Economy of RA, HEKS-EPER South Caucasus Office Representative, President of the Board of Shen NGO, Rector of ANAU and about 240 participants from related fields: farmers, representatives of international and donor organizations, agro-suppliers, processors, exporters as well as students and representatives from educational and scientific areas.During the conference, participants had an opportunity to directly interact with project beneficiaries, agro-suppliers who presented their products and scope of services.During the conference, a short film presented the results, implementation process and planned activities of the project. The speakers informed about current situation  and the challenges of the horticulture sector as well as the development trends in the Republic of Armenia. Representative of the Ministry of Economy of RA introduced agricultural development projects. The conference was summed up with panel discussion. The participants had an opportunity to address their questions to the speakers.