
Follow-up meeting with would-be applicants for HMDP project Small Grants
On 22 and 23 March the experts of HEKS-EPER funded HMDP project organised meetings in Vardenis and Yeghegnadzor for would-be applicants of the project’s Small Grants component. The aim of these meetings were...Read more
Hands-on seminar on Wild Plants and Herbs Collection Skills for 3 cooperatives from Gegharkunik Marz
On 16.03.2018, within the framework of the "Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia" project, a training/seminar on "Brief Description of 10 Most Common...Read more
Seminar at Koti Frontier Farmer Consumer Cooperative
On 17.03.2018 within the framework of IFAD funded project "Promoting Inclusive Horticultural Value Chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova" a regular training/seminar for Koti "Frontier Farmer" CC...Read more
Organization of Cereal Crop Diseases and Pest Management Activities
On March 13, within the framework of "Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia" project, 2 seminars on Cereal Crop Diseases and Pest Management were...Read more
A seminar on Business Development Strategy in Vardenis
On March 13, a seminar on "How to develop Business Development Strategy (Business Plan)" within the framework of the Horticulture Market Development Project took place in Vardenis. 21 farmers and marketing...Read more
Seminar on wild and medicinal herbs collection skills for 3 cooperatives from Syunik Marz
On 06.03.2018 within the framework of the "Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia" project, a workshop on "Brief Description of 10 Widespread Plants of...Read more
Development project of Organic Fruit Producers Cooperative
On March 2, a meeting-seminar of Organic Fruit Producers Cooperative took place in Lusakn Organic Farming Training Center of Aragatsotn Marz. The seminar was held in the orchard territory, during which the...Read more
Presentation of pest management procedures for wheat diseases and pests
On 28 February in Shaghat and Shaki villages of Syunik province within EU funded “ Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia ” project took place...Read more
Presentation of HMDP Small Grant project
On Feb 27 in Yeghegnadzor and Feb 28 in Vardenis, Shen and Syunik-Development NGOs presented a small grant project implemented in Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor marzes within the scope of Horticulture Market...Read more
Introduction to government subsidised agricultural loans
On 16.02.2018 took place presentation of government subsidised agricultural loan packages at Syunik-Development NGO office for Horticulture Market Development Project (funded by HEKS-EPER) beneficiary farmers...Read more