Seminar at Koti Frontier Farmer Consumer Cooperative

On 17.03.2018 within the framework of IFAD funded project "Promoting Inclusive Horticultural Value Chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova" a regular training/seminar for Koti "Frontier Farmer" CC members was held in Koti community of Tavush region. The topics of the training were "Early Spring Care of Fruit Orchards" and "Organization of Pest Management Activities at Orchards". 21 members from Koti, Voskevan and Baghanis beneficiary communities participated in the seminar. Members of the cooperative has discussed with great enthusiasm the problems in their orchards and the prospects that they see in the development of horticulture. In the near future, this cooperative will be equipped with new agrimachinery, thanks to which it will be possible to get good harvest.