
Horticulture seminar for raspberry growing women groups
On May 17 within IFAD funded "Promoting Inclusive Horticultural Value Chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova” Project took place a theoretical and practical seminar on “Organizing Effective Fight...Read more
Practical seminar in Areguni
On April 20, within the framework of "Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia" project, a practical seminar on "Greenhouse management, soil preparation,...Read more
Practical workshop on pruning of fruit trees
On April 12 within HEKS-EPER-funded Horticulture Market Development project framework, the Shen agronomist-expert conducted a practical workshop on Pruning of Pip, Stone Fruit Trees and Vines in the village of...Read more
Seminar on Plant Protection Measures in three villages of Vardenis subregion
On April 12, within the framework of the " Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia " project a seminar on "Organization of pest management measures in...Read more
Visit to the vineyards and winery of Tierras de Armenia
On April 13 an introductory visit was organized to the winery of Tierras de Armenia ("Karas" wine) and the company’s vineyards for the beneficiary farmers from two regions under the HMDP project, funded by...Read more
Seminar on greenhouse management and local valuable varieties of vegetables for cooperatives
On April 5 and 6 theoretical training/seminars on Greenhouse Management and Vegetable Growing Technology and Description of Valuable Local Vegetable Crop Varieties took place in Koti village of Tavush province...Read more
A seminar on horticulture issues in Berdavan cooperative
On March 29, 2018, a classroom training and seminar on "Early spring care of orchards and vineyards, organization of pest management activities" was held for 17 members of the local cooperative in Berdavan...Read more
Seminar on Spring Orchard Care Activities for a cooperative
On March 29 a theoretical training/seminar on "Organization of Orchards Spring Care and Pest Management Activities" took place in Mets Ayrum community of Lori Province. The seminar was organised within the...Read more
A training session on greenhouse production of vegetables and greens
Within the framework of the project “ Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia ” on March 27 "Introduction of Advanced Expertise and Experience Exchange", a...Read more
Seminar on cultivation of cereals
On March 23 within the framework of " Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia" project, two trainings/seminars were organized in Areguni and Pambak...Read more