
Title Location Year Sponsor
Implemeting the "Spectacles for Armenia" project Vardenis Town, Gegharqunik Province 2014 HEKS/EPER
Establishment of computer centre Nerkin Bazmaberd, Aragatsotn Province 2014 Orange/Armenia
Cultivating a forest-park in Shirak Diocese 2014 BfdW
Renovation of the school gym Tatul, Aragatsotn Province 2014 Orange/Armenia
Establishment of computer centre 2014 Orange/Armenia
Furnishing of kindergarten Karchaghbyur, Gegharqunik Province 2013 Orange Foundation
"Green communities" project 9 villages, Aragatsotn Province 2013 EED/BftW
Establishment of computer centre Mets Masrik, Gegharqunik Province 2013 Orange/Armenia
Promotion of regular garbage collection and creation of landfills Aragats, Aragatsotn Province 2013 EED/BftW
Equipment of community gym Paravaqar, Tavush Province 2013 Orange Foundation
Kindergarten 2nd floor heating system reconstruction Koti, Tavush Province 2013 Hrayr Hrachian, France
Equipment of school gym and stadium Ptghavan, Tavush Province 2013 Orange Foundation
Improvement of potable water system Antaramej, Gegharqunik Province 2013 Jirayr Babayan, France
Horticulture development project Berdavan, Tavush Province 2013 Orange Foundation
Donation of equipment to school all marzes 2013 Arthur Avanesyan, Russia