
Title Location Year Sponsor
Strenghtening of Lor Milk Producers' Cooperative, provision of airan production equipment Lor village of Syunik marz 2020 Bread for the World (BftW)
Reconstruction of a deep well in Arevashogh village Arevashogh village of Lori marz 2020 Bread for the World (BftW)
Construction of a parking lot for agricultural machinery of Balak cooperative Balak village of Syunik marz 2020 Bread for the World (BftW)
Strenghtening of Vardenyants Milk Producers' Cooperative, provision of construction materials and milk processing equipment Aghnjadzor village of Vayots Dzor marz 2020 Bread for the World (BftW)
Reconstruction of a kindergarten in Haghtanak village of Tavush marz Haghtanak village of Tavush marz 2020 Chene France
Reconstruction of a kindergarten in Artchis village of Tavush marz Artchis village of Tavush marz 2020 Chene France
Renovation and furnishing of Meghrashen village school gym Meghrashen village of Shirak marz 2020 UMCOR Armenia Foundation
Renovation and furnishing of Meghrashat village school gym Meghrashat village of Shirak marz 2020 UMCOR Armenia Foundation
Renovation of Meghrashat village events hall Meghrashat village of Shirak marz 2020 UMCOR Armenia Foundation
Establishment of a kindergarten in Meghrashat village Meghrashat village of Shirak marz 2020 UMCOR Armenia Foundation
Assisting the rural community development in Dzithanqov Dzithanqov village of Shirak marz 2020 UMCOR Armenia Foundation
Establishment of demonstration cooling facilities for maintenance of fruits in Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor marzes Régions de Gegharkunik et Vayots Dzor 2020 HEKS-EPER
Construction of a dumpsite Ville de Vardenis, région de Gegharkunik 2019 Bread for the World (BftW)
Provision of agricultural machinery to "Frontier Farmer" agricultural cooperative, constructing a parking lot and establishment of a 1 ha cornelian cherry orchard Koti, Tavush Province, Voskevan et Baghanis, Région de Tavush 2019 Audemars Piguet Foundation
Organization of tree-planting Shaghat, Syunik Province 2019 Bread for the World (BftW)