
Title Location Year Sponsor
Establishing a computer center Uyts, Syunik Province, 2015 Orange Foundation
Establishing a computer center Bnunis, Syunik Province 2015 Orange Foundation
Implementation of community development program Shaghat, Syunik Province 2015 Yalkezian Foundation, BfdW
Cooperative capacity building Shaghat, Syunik Province 2015 Yalkezian Foundation, BfdW
Kindergarten furnishing Tsovak, Gegharqunik Province 2015 BfdW
Establishment of a computer centre Akori, Lori Province 2014 Orange/Armenia
Establishment of computer centre Davtashen, Aragatsotn Province 2014 Orange/Armenia
Furnishing the kindergarten Bazum, Lori Province 2014 BfdW
"One village" project Hartavan, Aragatsotn Province 2014 Orange Foundation
Furnishing the kindergarten Argina, Armavir Province 2014 BfdW
Tree planting in the schoolyard and the public park Kuchak, Aragatsotn Province 2014 Yalkezian Foundation
Establishment of computer centre Akunk, Kotayk Province, 2014 Orange/Armenia
Establishment of a nursery and 1 ha of forest Lusagyugh, Aragatsotn Province, 2014 ECO Consult Germany
Implemeting the "Spectacles for Armenia" project Vardenis Town, Gegharqunik Province 2014 HEKS/EPER
Establishment of computer centre Nerkin Bazmaberd, Aragatsotn Province 2014 Orange/Armenia