
Title Location Year Sponsor
Construction and reconstruction of toilet facilities for tourist trail Gosh and Khachardzan, Tavush marz 2017 Yalkezian Foundation
Rehabilitation of Lernavan village irrigation water internal network Lernavan, Lori Province, Lori marz 2017 Yalkezian Foundation
Reconstruction of irrigation water network Tsakhkashen, Aragatsotn Marz 2017 Yalkezian Foundation
Reconstruction of drinking water network Tatul, Aragatsotn Province, Aragatsotn Marz 2017 Yalkezian Foundation
Establihment of consumer cooperative Koti, Tavush Province, Tavush marz 2017 IFAD
Reconstruction of school Martuni, Gegharqunik Province, Gegharkunik marz 2017 Chene France
Reconstruction and furnishing of kindergarden Martuni, Gegharqunik Province, Gegharkunik marz 2017 Chene France
Summer camp for children from needy families Yeghnadjur, Shirak marz 2017 Chene France
Promoting Inclusive Horticultural Value Chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova 7 marzes of RA 2017 IFAD
Integrated development Program of Ttujur village of Gegharkunik marz Գյուղ Թթուջուր, Gegharkunik marz 2017 Yalkezian Foundation
Reconstruction of drinking water network Kaqavadzor, Aragatsotn Marz 2017 Yalkezian Foundation
Improvement of Livelihood of Rural Households in Vayots Dzor and Gegharkunik Marzes Through Development of Horticulture, joint project with Syunik Development NGO Գեղարքունիքի մարզի Վարդենիսի շրջանի 8 գյուղական համայնքներ 2017 HEKS/EPER
Reconstruction of kindergarden Argina, Armavir Province, Armavir Marz 2017 BftW Germany, Hrayr Hrachian France
Reconstruction of medical aid station Shaghat, Syunik Province, Syunik marz 2017 Yalkezian Foundation
Construction of irrigation pipeline Dprabak, Gegharqunik Province, Gegharqunik Province 2017