
Title Location Year Sponsor
Initiation of periodic garbage collection in the village Berdavan, Tavush Province 2008 EED
Drinking water pipeline Aygut, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED, ICCO
Rehabilitation of drinking water system Verin Chambarak, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED, ICCO
Rehabilitation of drinking water system Barepat, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED, ICCO
Rehabilitation of drinking water system Ttujur, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED, ICCO
Renovation of medical aid post and furnishing of dental cabinet Aghberq, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED
Rehabilitation of drinking water system Zorakan, Tavush Province 2008 EED
Construction of flood protection bridge Tretuk, Gegharqunik Province 2008 ICCO
Establishment of a dental cabinets Areguni, Torfavan, Gegharqunik Province 2007 Shen France
Contribution to the construction of gravity irrigation system Koti, Voskepar, Voskevan, Baghanis, Tavush Province 2007 ICCO
Support to potato seed breeding Vardenis and Chambarak sub-regions, Gegharqunik Province 2007 ICCO
Promotion of Organic Agriculture 2007 EPER
Rehabilitation of the bordering village 2007 KASA, Shen France
Support to the primary health care Nerkin Bazmaberd, Aragatsotn Province 2007 KASA, Shen France
Education and Ecology Five marzes of Armenia 2007 EPER