
Title Location Year Sponsor
Establishment of a dental cabinet Aghberq, Gegharqunik Province 2009 Shen France
Partial renovation of Community Center 2009 EED
Initiation of periodic garbage collection in 7 villages in Lori marz Canyon of Marts river, Lori Province 2009 EED
Streetlight system construction Teghut, Tavush Province 2009 USAID/CHF
Enhancement of drinking water system Nor Khachakap, Lori Province 2009 ICCO
Streetlight system construction Sevkar, Tavush Province 2009 USAID/CHF
Renovation and installation of heating system of the kindergarten 2009 Orange/Armenia
Renovation of the pre-school Nor Edessia, Aragatsotn Province 2009 USAID/CHF
Renovation of community center Kalavan, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED
River bank fortification to protect from floods 20 ha of cultivated land Nor Khachakap, Lori Province 2008 City Council of Marseille
Initiation of periodic garbage collection in the village Berdavan, Tavush Province 2008 EED
Drinking water pipeline Aygut, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED, ICCO
Rehabilitation of drinking water system Verin Chambarak, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED, ICCO
Rehabilitation of drinking water system Barepat, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED, ICCO
Rehabilitation of drinking water system Ttujur, Gegharqunik Province 2008 EED, ICCO