
Title Location Year Sponsor
Summer camp Back to the nature 2011 EED
Restoration of sports center Malishka, Vayots Dzor Province 2011 USAID/CHF, EED
B&B promotion Vardenis sub-region, Gegharqunik Province 2011 Oxfam Novib
Heating system construction and equipment of kindergarten Teghut, Lori Province 2011 Orange/Armenia
Donation of medical equipment and goods to Chambarak hospital and medical centers of 13 villages Chambarak sub-region, Gegharqunik Province 2011 Knights of Vardan, Boston USA /IMEC
Equipment of community sports hall Vazashen, Tavush Province 2011 Orange/Armenia
Promotion of regular garbage collection and creation of landfills 10 villages, Aragatsotn Province 2011 EED
Renovation of community center Meghrashat, Shirak Province 2011 USAID/CHF
Establishment of computer center Shahumyan, Lori Province 2011 Orange/Armenia
Establishment of pear orchards of Forest Beauty variety on 3 ha 2011 Oxfam Novib, EED
Reconstruction of water supply system Lori Berd, Lori Province 2011 USAID/CHF
Equipment of school sports hall David Bek, Syunik Province 2011 Orange/Armenia
Imrovement of community center yard and the village center Pambak, Gegharqunik Province 2011 Yalkezian Foundation
Reconstruction of community center Shahumyan, Lori Province 2011 USAID/CHF, EED
Equipment of community sports hall Malishka, Vayots Dzor Province 2011 Orange/Armenia