
Title Location Year Sponsor
Reconstruction of water supply system (construction of daily regulatory reservoir) Nor Artik, Armavir Province 2011 USAID/CHF
Equipment of kindergarten Vahan, Gegharqunik Province 2011 Orange/Armenia
Reconstruction of water supply system Voskevan, Tavush Province 2011 USAID/CHF
Organization of project planning trainings for local CAGs of 8 villages Chambarak sub-region, Gegharqunik Province 2011 International Bank of Reconstruction and Development
Reconstruction of water supply system Kaputan, Kotayk Province 2011 USAID/CHF
Development of organic agriculture Six marzes of Armenia 2011 EPER, EED, Oxfam Novib
Reconstruction of water supply system Zarinja, Aragatsotn Province 2011 USAID/CHF
Elaboration of strategic development plan Koti, Tavush Province 2011 Yalkezian Foundation
Restoration of community center Avazan, Gegharqunik Province 2011 USAID/CHF, EED
Construction and equipment of school sports ground and kindergarten playground Pambak, Gegharqunik Province 2011 Yalkezian Foundation
Restoration of community center Torfavan, Gegharqunik Province 2011 USAID/CHF
Glasses for Armenia Talin subregion, Aragatsotn Province 2011 Armenian Medical Union of France - Paris
Restoration of community center Dprabak, Gegharqunik Province 2011 USAID/CHF, EED
Summer camp Back to the nature 2011 EED
Restoration of sports center Malishka, Vayots Dzor Province 2011 USAID/CHF, EED