
Title Location Year Sponsor
Rehabilitation of community water supply network Artsni, Lori Province 2012 USAID/CHF, EED
Apricot value chain assessment in Armenia Ararat, Armavir, Aragatsotn and Vayots Dzor marzes 2012 EED, Shen-France
Rehabilitation of community water supply network Tsav, Syunik Province 2012 USAID/CHF, EED
Construction of internal irrigation network Koti, Tavush Province 2012
Establishment of computer centre Norakert, Gegharqunik Province 2012 EED
The Markets for Meghri, horticulture development program 8 communities of Meghri sub-region, Syunik Province 2012 SDC
Elaboration of curriculum on M4P training for Armenian NGOs Yerevan 2012 EED
Sustainable usage of soil resources and biodiversity protection Dprabak, Gegharqunik Province 2012 UNDP, EED
Development of organic agriculture in Armenia all marzes 2012 EPER
M4P training for 6 Armenian NGOs Yerevan 2012 EED
Equipment of community gym Vazashen, Tavush Province 2012 Orange/Armenia
Establishment of computer centre Akhuryan, Shirak Province 2012 Orange/Armenia
Establishment of computer centre Mayisyan, Shirak Province 2012 Orange/Armenia
Reconstruction of water supply system Kaputan, Kotayk Province 2011 USAID/CHF
Development of organic agriculture Six marzes of Armenia 2011 EPER, EED, Oxfam Novib