
Title Location Year Sponsor
Horticulture development project Berdavan, Tavush Province 2013 Orange Foundation
Donation of equipment to school all marzes 2013 Arthur Avanesyan, Russia
Horticulture development project Koti, Tavush Province 2013
Donation of 1120 kg threads 2 villages, Gegharqunik Province 2013 Shen-Arpi Ltd.
Rehabilitation of irrigation system Voskevan, Tavush Province 2013 Yalkezian Foundation
Donation of medical equipment and goods to community hospital Artsvaberd, Tavush Province 2013 Knights of Vardan, Boston USA /IMEC
Construction of square drainage system, rehabilitation Pambak, Gegharqunik Province 2013
Donation of equipment to textile factory Maralik, Shirak Province 2013 Shen-Arpi Ltd.
Establishment of computer centre Kachachkut, Lori Province 2013 Orange/Armenia
Tree planting project Hartavan, Aragatsotn Province 2013 Yalkezian Foundation
Donation of medical equipment and goods to Arabkir medical centre Yerevan 2013 Knights of Vardan, Boston USA /IMEC
Establishment of computer centre Antaramut, Lori Province 2013 Orange/Armenia
Establishing of demonstrative educational center of organic agriculture 2013 UNDP/UNOPS
"Glasses for Armenia" project 26 villages, Vayots Dzor Province 2013 UMAF-Paris
Establishment of computer centre Spandaryan, Shirak Province 2013 Orange/Armenia