
Title Location Year Sponsor
Construction of drinking water network Dprabak, Gegharqunik Province 2019 Fondation Yalkezian
Renovation and furnishing of Dzithankov village kindergarten Dzithankov, Région de Chirak 2019 Fondation UMCOR Arménie
Establishment of a wrestling club in Dzithankov village Dzithankov village of Shirak marz 2019 UMCOR Armenia Foundation
Renovation of the medical aid post in Nerkin Horatagh village of Artsakh, provision of dental equipment Nerkin Horatagh, République d'Artsakh 2019 Chene France
Renovation of the playground of Navur village school, provision of sports inventory Navur, Région de Tavush 2019 Fondation de la Table ronde du COE en Arménie
Renovation and furnishing of Ahnidzor village community center Ahnidzor, Région de Lori 2019 Fondation Yalkezian
Planting of 1000 trees in Ayrum village Ayrum, Région de Tavush 2019 Bread for the World (BftW)
Renovation of the kindergarten, provision of inventory Saratak, Région de Chirak 2019 Fondation Yalkezian
Development of Inclusive Rural Cooperatives, Improvement of Infrastructure and Capacity Building of CBOs to Support Sustainable Well-off Communities Aragatsotn, Tavush, Tavush Province, Lori, Syunik, Gegharkunik, Shirak, Vayots-Dzor marzes 2019 BftW (Germany), IFAD, Yalkezian Foundation (Canada), HEKS-EPER (Switzerland), Chene France
Reconstruction of the water catchment of Shaghat village irrigation network Shaghat, Syunik Province 2019 Bread for the World (BftW)
Building capacities for the beneficiary marketing groups from Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor marzes Beneficiary villages of Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor marzes 2019 HEKS-EPER
Construction of a dumpsite Ayrum, région da Tavush 2019 Bread for the World (BftW)
Organization of Summer Camp for children of vulnerable families of Shirak marz Yeghnajur, Shirak Province 2019 Chene France
Construction of a dumpsite Ville de Vardenis, région de Gegharkunik 2019 Bread for the World (BftW)
Provision of agricultural machinery to "Frontier Farmer" agricultural cooperative, constructing a parking lot and establishment of a 1 ha cornelian cherry orchard Koti, Tavush Province, Voskevan et Baghanis, Région de Tavush 2019 Audemars Piguet Foundation