
Title Location Year Sponsor
Establishment of demonstration cooling facilities for maintenance of fruits Régions de Gegharkunik et Vayots Dzor 2019 HEKS-EPER
Renovation of the kindergarten yard and renovation of the community center Dzithankov, Région de Chirak 2019 Fondation Yalkezian
Glasses for Armenia Project Région de Tavush 2019 UMAF Paris
Integrated development Program of Navur village of Tavush marz Navur village of Tavush marz 2019 FAR, AMAA, Chene France, Diakonia Charitable Fund, Armenian Caritas
Construction of fruit cold storage for “Berdavan” consumer cooperative Berdavan, Tavush Province, Tavush Province 2018 IFAD
Provision of 1000 trees Kaqavadzor, Aragatsotn Province 2018 Yalkezian Foundation
Reconstruction of Kindergarden Saratak, Shirak Province 2018 Yalkezian Foundation
Reconstruction of drinking water network Dprabak. Gegharkunik Province 2018 Yalkezian Foundation
Renovation of kindergarten Voghji, Shirak Province 2018 Hrayr Hrachian, France
Provision of rotary cultivator and sprayers to “Sahmanapah” Consumer Cooperative Koti Voskevan Baghanis of Tavush Province 2018 Audemars Piguet Foundation, Switzerland
Furniture for the local kindergarten Shahumyan, Lori Province, Lori Province 2018 Hrayr Hrachyan
Teoretical and practical trainings for marketing groups of Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor Marzes Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor Provinces 2018 HEKS/EPER Switzerland
Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia 6 villages in Gegharkunik and Syunik provinces 2018 European Union
Provision of sewing machines and boilers for distribution to the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Resettlement of the Republic of Artsakh Republic of Artsakh 2018 Hrach Mardikian
Construction of cold storage and drip irrigation demonstration system for “Organic fruit producers” Consumer Cooperative in Shenik village,Armavir Marz Shenik village, Armavir Marz 2018 IFAD