“Bread for the World” representatives visiting “Shen” NGO

In 2020-2022, with the support of "Bread to the World", "Shen" Charitable Non-Governmental Organization implemented the program "Development of inclusive rural cooperatives, improvement of infrastructure and capacity building of community-based organizations" in Aragatsotn, Lori, Tavush, Shirak, Gegharkunik, Syunik, Vayots Dzor and Kotayk provinces and Baghramyan community of Armavir Province.

Upon the compilation of the program, on June 7, the representatives of “Bread for the World” Ilonka Boltze, Head of the Department of European and Worldwide Programmes, Claudia Hinderer, Personnel Services Programme Manager, and Kim Kwibuka, Programme Officer for South Caucasus and Central Asia paid a monitoring visit at ”Shen” NGO.

They started the visit at the head office of "Shen". Getting acquainted with the team, and discussing the general activities of the organization, as well as the future of the strategic directions and the planned programs, we presented the details of the program implemented together and its impact on the communities.

After the meeting at the head office, the guests went to Syunik Province to see the beneficiaries of the program on the spot and to review the results. They were especially impressed with Aghnjadzor cheese-producing cooperative and Shaghat sorrel processing cooperatives.

This is not the only program implemented with "Bread to the World". In 2021, together we launched the program "Socio-economic assistance to the people of Artsakh forcibly displaced as a result of the 2020 Artsakh war." The positive results of all the programs are quite visible, and we are hopeful that the cooperation will continue for many years to come.