Call for Applications of the Potential Beneficiaries of the Agricultural Cooperation Support Program

Shen NGO, within the frames of the Agricultural Cooperation Support Program, accepts applications from cooperatives and groups of farmers who plan to register their cooperatives. The goal of the program is to increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector by enhancing the capacities of the existing cooperatives and supporting the establishment of new ones. The goal of the program is to encourage farmers to cooperate with one another, thereby improving their production and marketing capacities, reducing production costs, and enhancing the levels of their production and productivity.


Who can apply?

Cooperatives and groups of farmers operating in Tavush, Lori, Shirak, Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Aragatsotn marzes, as well as Baghramyan region of Armavir marz, can apply for the support program if they meet the following criteria:

  • The cooperative or the group of farmers must have at least 5 members and be involved in primary agricultural production or in any area of processing.
  • The members of the group should be small or medium farmers. The land cultivated by each member should not exceed 5 hectares.

Women's groups and young farmers are encouraged to apply.

  • The members of the cooperative / group must demonstrate the ability to work in a team (joint activities and joint decision-making).
  • The members of the cooperative / group of farmers should strive to produce the same product of high quality and be willing to sell together.
  • The members of the cooperative / group of farmers should be interested in participating in the training and seminars organized by Shen NGO and receiving technical assistance and consultation services.


Priority will be given to the cooperatives that are involved in the agricultural cooperation support programs implemented by the Government of the RA.


How to apply?

Interested cooperatives/groups of farmers should submit their written applications to Shen NGO at:, presenting the history of the cooperative/group, the list of the members, information on agricultural production of the members, data about the activities of the cooperative/group, as well as their development and business plans.

Start Date: 
18 Apr 2022
6 May 2022