2022 Grants within the Framework of Horticulture Market Development Project

We announce the launch of providing grants within the framework of Horticulture Market Development Project for 2022.

The grants will be provided for the implementation of horticulture projects in the following areas:

  • Fruit processing (production of dried fruits, preparation of juices and canned food),
  • Storage of post-harvest fruits: refrigeration, procurement spots, etc.

The following two groups can participate in the grant competition implemented within the framework of the projects:

  1. Families displaced from Artsakh,
  2. Farm groups interested in horticulture.

New criteria for applying to the new grant program starting from 2022 have been presented for the families displaced from Artsakh.

Farmer groups interested in the project (initiative groups consisting of at least 3 farmers), families displaced from Artsakh and organisations can submit their applications according to the template included in the information package (in Armenian).

Below you can download the information package and the Business Plan Application for your group (all documents are provided in Armenian).

Start Date: 
19 Nov 2021
25 Dec 2021