Fall maintenance of orchards

"Fall Maintenance of Orchards" theoretical training/consultation took place within the framework of the "Horticulture Market Development Project (HMDP) in Vayots Dzor and Gegharkunik Marzes of Armenia" implemented by "Shen" NGO and "Syunik-Development" NGO.

On October 29, the training was held for the displaced farms in Vardenis, Gegharkunik Marz, and on November 2, for the beneficiary farms in Yeghegnadzor, Vayots Dzor Marz. The main purpose was to present the key measures of post-harvest and late fall care in the orchards.

After the training in Yeghegnadzor, an effective discussion took place on the production of organic fertilizers from waste on farms, self-preparation, and application of tree trunk paint.

A total of 33 farmers participated in the training in both cities. All participants received information leaflets and methodological instructions.