Practical Training on Intensive Horticulture in Vardenis

In the frames of Horticulture Market Development Project (HMDP) in Vayots Dzor and Gegharkunik Marzes of Armenia, which is funded by HEKS-EPER (Switzerland), Shen NGO has organized a practical training on Intensive Horticulture. The training took place on September 14 at “Harutyunyan Eghbayrner” LLC modern horticulture cooperation.The 21 participants of the training were the members of beneficiary marketing groups, as well as agricultural students of “Badeyan” state college of Vardenis town.The trainer introduced the theoretical basics of intensive horticulture to the participants. Afterwards, they studied the drip irrigation system and the types of anti-hail nets. The trainer gave a detailed description of the intensive varieties of pears presented in the garden. At the end of the training the participants were provided with materials on Intensive Horticulture and a booklet titled “Peer Varieties Cultivated in Armenia”.