Regional conference on agricultural cooperation

"Shen" NGO organized a regional conference on Agricultural Cooperation with the Federation of Agricultural Producers of Moldova and association Elkana from Georgia, Yerevan, May 3, 2019. The conference was organized within the frame of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) financed project “Promoting inclusive horticultural value chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova”. The Acting Minister of Agriculture Mr. Garnik Petrosyan, Rector of the Armenian National Agrarian University Mr. Vardan Urutyan, IFAD Armenia Country Office Head Mr. Vahe Harutyunyan and Shen NGO President of the Board Mr. Hayk Minassian, delivered opening remarks.The experts of the Ministries of Agriculture of Armenia, Moldova and Georgia, cooperative presidents, members of the board from 3 countries, representatives of organizations implementing agricultural development projects in Armenia and other stakeholders, attended the event.The goal of the conference was to establish a high level dialogue on Agricultural Cooperation, highlighting the current problems in the area, comparing successes and challenges between Armenia, Georgia and Moldova, policies aimed at promoting agricultural cooperation and implemented projects.Agricultural cooperatives help to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of small farms with limited opportunities, to mobilize resources, disseminate knowledge and innovations, and also to protect farmers’ rights.As a result, the income of cooperative farms increases and poverty in rural areas decreases. The Government of Armenia has recognized the development of agricultural cooperatives as one of the priority directions of agricultural policy. However, in the communities of Armenia there is a general incredulity about agricultural cooperatives, which is a result of many factors: gaps in the legislative field, a significant number of unsuccessful cooperatives, failures in the implemented projects. Problems and challenges existing in the field were discussed in the regional context, taking into account lessons learned from Georgia and Moldova.It is evident that agricultural cooperation is crucial for the development of our country's agriculture.Based on the conclusions and recommendations made during the conference consistent work will be done to promote agricultural cooperation and to improve the legislative framework.