Extension courses for agronomists

On 1-2 June, within the framework of “Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia” project, a two-day practical training/workshop was held, in order to train farmers from Areguni, Geghamasar, Pambak communities of Vardenis sub-region and Angeghakot, Shaki, Shaghat of Sisian sub-region. The topics of the seminar were "Agricultural Consulting Skills", "The Role of the Farmer in Cooperatives" and "Value Added Agriculture". After the theoretical part, visits to input supplier companies were organized – Agroinput LLC, Artagro LLC, Hrashk Aygi LLC, Im Aygi LLC, Landshaft store, Natalie Agro LLC (Natali Pharm LLC), Agrointex LLC. In all organizations, the specialists presented their companies' activities, provided catalogs of pesticides and equipment offered by them. The purpose of these meetings is to establish contacts between cooperative farmers / consultants and large agricultural input companies.