Transferring the experience of a seed-breeding cooperative to newly established cooperatives

On May 25, within the framework of the project "Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia", members of cooperatives from Shaki, Shaghat, Angeghakot, Areguni, Pambak and Geghamasar communities of Syunik and Gegharkunik provinces visited Khor Virap Consumer Cooperative. The purpose of this meeting was to make cooperatives members get acquainted with the experience of cereals seed breeding cooperative, during which the President of the cooperative, V. Manukyan presented 10-year activity of the Khor Virap Consumer Cooperative. 27 cooperative members participated in the seminar. Participants were also informed about the activities of the Khor Virap FVSC and offered agrimachindery, pesticides and equipment.