
Peculiarities of vegetable cultivation in greenhouse
In Geghamasar Community greenhouse in the frame of the Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia a practical training took place for beneficiary cooperatives...Read more
Visit to Dikond LTD, Koriz seed-oil workshop
In the frame of the EU funded Project "Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia” a study visit to Koriz seed-oil workshop was organized for Shagat...Read more
Early spring agricultural works in orchards and practical training on tree and grapvine pruning
On 22nd of February a practical training on early spring agricultural works in orchards, tree and grapvine pruning was organized for 10 members of “Sahmanapah Hoghagorts” cooperative in Koti community, Tavush...Read more
Early spring agricultural works in orchards and practical training on tree and grapvine pruning
On 22nd of February a practical training on early spring care of orchards, tree and grapvine pruning was organized for 12 cooperative members of Berdavan community in Tavush region. It was implemented within...Read more
Vegetable growing in greenhouse
On February 19-20, training on vegetable growing in greenhouse was held in Angeghakot, Shaghat and Shaki villages of Syunik Region in the frame of the EU funded Project ‘Integrated Support for Sustainable...Read more
Early spring care of orchards and practical training of tree pruning in Vayots Dzor marz
On February 20-21, practical trainings on early spring orchard management were organized in Vayots Dzor region. The trainings were held by Shen and Syunik NGOs in the framework of the project “Development of...Read more
Presentation of the Grant Program 2019, Training Schemes for Grants in the Gegharkunik Region
Within the framework of the project “Development of the Fruit Market in the marzes of Vardenis and Vayots Dzor” a small grants competition was held in 2019. On January 31, "Shen" NGO organized a meeting in...Read more
Kick off Dzithanqov village development program
Integtrated development program of Dzithanqov village of Shirak Marz kicked off. It is a two-year programme, which includes a series of activities aimed at sustainable economic development of the village, as...Read more
Peculiarities of vegiculture in greenhouses
On December 20, within the framework of EU funded project “Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia” hosted a theoretical lesson on "Peculiarities of...Read more
Discussion of horticulture issues with stakeholders
On December 17-19, Syunik Development NGO and Shen NGO organized a discussion on “Horticulture issues in Armenia” within the framework of the project “Development of the fruit market in Vardenis and Vayots...Read more