
Fields of operations

Agricultural cooperatives

In the beginning of the 90ies of the XX century Armenia was the first country among the former Soviet republics that implemented mass privatization of agricultural assets including land, livestock, poultry and...Read more

Organic agriculture

Shen is a pioneer in introducing organic agriculture practices in Armenia aiming at creation of a new sustainable and environmentally friendly income source for rural households. Starting from 2000 till 2012...Read more

Off-farm incomes

Although the agriculture is the main economic activity with significant share in the rural households' incomes there are other sectors beyond the agriculture that may supplement to the family budgets. Shen...Read more

Beneficiary mobilization

The very first project of Shen NGO was construction of 17 houses in Stepanakert, Nagorno Karabagh, for refugee Armenians who had narrowly escaped Sumgait (Azerbaijan) massacre in 1988. Crisis that followed the...Read more

Community development

Integrated Community Development (ICD) of a vulnerable community or a group of communities is integration and systemized solution of social, economic, and environmental issues. Shen actively apply this...Read more

Social infrastructures

Shen has started implementing social infrastructure rehabilitation projects since the beginning of 90ies of XX century. The selection of a specific social project is based on the principle that it has to be...Read more

Environmental education

Poor awareness on ecology issues and irresponsible attitude towards the nature among the population was quite common in USSR. It had especially drastic consequences during the first years of independence of...Read more


The energy crisis of the first years of independence of Armenia had had quite negative impact on the environment and particularly the forests. At that time both rural and urban population predominantly used to...Read more

Green communities

One of the objectives of Green Communities project is to plant trees on the roadsides, in the nearby areas of schools, kindergartens, community and art centres. According to the contracts signed with the...Read more