Measures to support small farms in Gegharkunik region within the framework of "Horticulture Development Project" in the conditions of spreading COVID-19

In the context of the global coronavirus pandemic, it is important to stimulate the agricultural sector, as during this economic crisis, food shortage may arise. Besides Gegharkunik is one of the regions of Armenia, from where a large number of people go to Russia for seasonal works. Due to the restrictions, many of them have not been able to go for seasonal works and have to stay at home this year and to engage in agricultural works which results in unprecedented sowing, planting and other agricultural activities. Taking into account these circumstances, within the framework of the “Horticulture Market Development Project” in Gegharkunik region, a decision was made to support small farms by providing fruit tree seedlings.The selection of farms supported by the program took into account several factors: the presence of a seasonal worker in the family, young families with more than 3 children, the establishment of an orchard near the home, the rejuvenation of old gardens and the farmers who want to care new seedlings.On April 19-20, 530 high-quality saplings of pears, apples, etc. were provided to 67 farms in Vardenis region. The seedlings were purchased from the beneficiary nurseries of Syunik Development NGO.