Open Tender for the Procurement of Seeds for the Improvement of Arable Lands

Tender code: GIZ 83389116/5

"Shen" Charitable Non-Governmental Organization (CNGO), located at 110 Nalbandyan Street, Yerevan, RA, is announcing an open tender for the procurement of Seeds for the improvement of arable lands.

The successful bidder will be invited to sign a Seed Supply Contract for arable lands within the framework of Fodder production and pasture improvement as a COVID-19 response measure programme funded by the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ).

The tender package includes the following documents:

Contract Notice / Instruction to Bidders,

Application form / announcement,

Technical and financial offer and appendices:

Technical description / technical offer,

Financial offer


The tender application must be submitted to the head office of "Shen" CNGO before the deadline for submission of applications.

Start Date: 
31 Jan 2022
3 Feb 2022